March 23, 2021

A Look Behind the Scenes of Environmental Services

The City of Southlake Public Works Department Environmental Services Division plays a vital role when it comes to keeping others safe in our community. Their goal of protecting the health of the public and promoting a healthy quality of life is accomplished by using protective regulatory programs and public education so our customers can safely […]

The City of Southlake Public Works Department Environmental Services Division plays a vital role when it comes to keeping others safe in our community.

Their goal of protecting the health of the public and promoting a healthy quality of life is accomplished by using protective regulatory programs and public education so our customers can safely interact with the natural resources in the environment.

There are three major programs the Environmental Services supports: Stormwater Management Program, Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Program and the Water Conservation Program.

The Stormwater Management Program focuses on preventing pollution from entering surrounding creeks, streams and lakes. The Environmental Services Division takes part in several initiatives throughout the year such as Texas SmartScape™ month, Doo the Right Thing and Keep Southlake Beautiful to encourage residents to get involved.

The Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program is housed within the Stormwater Management Program and targets potential pollution and initiates remediation efforts. Examples of illicit discharges the division responds to include construction site runoff, sanitary sewer overflows and herbicide contamination.

The Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Program was created to protect public health, the environment and the City’s sewer lines.

The program also addresses issues for both businesses and residents.

The business aspect of this program includes inspection and sampling events of grease interceptors to ensure that the City’s sewer lines are not overloaded with fats and grease. The residential aspect includes an annual outreach such as the Holiday Grease Roundup to educate residents on the environmental and financial impacts of sewer backups.

The Water Conservation Program encourages residents and businesses in Southlake to save water as the demand increases across the region.

Since the division has to create a Water Conservation Report and submit plans to state agencies, the City utilizes this program as way to educate and provide residents with conservation resources such as the WISE Guys Program, Weekly Watering Advice, and EyeOnWater to use for their own water awareness and ultimately conserve water.

To learn more about any of the programs mentioned above, please visit

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