April 14, 2021

Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve to Celebrate Earth Day with a Community Hike

Grab your sunscreen and hiking boots for the Earth Day Community Hike! The Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve is celebrating Earth Day early this year by inviting all nature enthusiasts to join us on an Earth Day Community Hike on Saturday, April 17 at 10 am. Earth Day is celebrated globally on April 22 […]

Grab your sunscreen and hiking boots for the Earth Day Community Hike!

The Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve is celebrating Earth Day early this year by inviting all nature enthusiasts to join us on an Earth Day Community Hike on Saturday, April 17 at 10 am. Earth Day is celebrated globally on April 22 in honor of working towards a more sustainable future. What better way to connect with the Earth and the creatures that inhabit it than by spending quality time in nature?

Join us for a morning on the Preserve Trails as we make our way to Grapevine Lake. Led by Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve staff, this Community Hike will be all about the plants and animals who call the Preserve home, how we can help them, and the incredible history of the land.

Learn more about the Jones family who lived on this land and their contributions to the City of Southlake as you explore the winding trails. Be on the lookout for tracks and hints of the diverse wildlife that are native to this land. Get in some solid exercise while becoming more knowledgeable about this treasured Southlake spot.

The Earth Day Community Hike is suitable for guests of all ages and hiking levels. Be sure to bring a water bottle, comfortable clothes you can get dirty, and closed-toe shoes. The hike to Grapevine Lake is two miles, and there will be frequent stops.

Registration ends on Thursday, April 14. Don't delay; register today!

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