On March 11th, 2022, the Southlake Police Department held a ceremony and reception for two promotions and several departmental awards at Police Headquarters. Chief Brandon promoted Detective Myles Jenkins to Corporal and promoted Detective Delaney Green to Sergeant. Each of their badges were pinned by their respective spouses. Corporal Jenkins will remain in CID (Criminal Investigations Division) and Sergeant Green will be assigned to Nights Patrol. Chief Brandon also presented several other awards to deserving officers and staff, listed below. Officer of the Year: Officer Craig D’amico Supervisor of the Year: Sergeant Preston Logan Civilian of the Year: Roland Degrauuw Lifesaving Award: Sergeant Tyler Sewell Lifesaving Award: Sergeant Preston Logan Lifesaving Award: Sergeant Gaylon Music Officer of the Quarter Q1 2022: Officer Anthony Pate Congratulations to both promoted officers, as well as to all of our award winners. Southlake is safer and a better place because of them.