October 18, 2023

City to Spray for Mosquitos After Positive WNV Trap

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that a mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for West Nile Virus. The positive West Nile Virus trap is located in the 100 block of Meadowlark Lane. The City will begin spraying within a half-mile radius of the trap location. Spraying will […]

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that a mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for West Nile Virus.

The positive West Nile Virus trap is located in the 100 block of Meadowlark Lane.

The City will begin spraying within a half-mile radius of the trap location. Spraying will begin on Thursday night, October 19th, and continue through Saturday night, October 21st, weather permitting. The chemicals in the spray are specifically designed to target mosquitos with a quick burn-off in sunlight to mitigate any pet health concerns.

Residents should continue taking protective measures to help reduce the mosquito population including:

· Drain standing water in artificial containers; this is the primary source of mosquitoes

· Dress in long sleeves

· Wear insect repellent containing DEET

For more information about West Nile Virus, personal protective measures, or response actions, please visit CityofSouthlake.com or MySouthlakeNews.com. And as always, if you have any mosquito concerns, please reach out to our Emergency Manager Amanda Meneses at (817) 748-8903 or email her at ameneses@ci.southlake.tx.us.

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