The Southlake Library offers a digital library called cloudLibrary. With cloudLibrary, you gain a vast array of eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and movies you gain, ready to whisk you away to other worlds from the comfort of your home. Whether your passion lies in heartwarming novels, suspenseful mysteries, or thought-provoking nonfiction, cloudLibrary offers a mix that caters to every taste and preference. The app is available for download across a wide variety of devices, including those operating on iOS and Android platforms. Please be aware that Kindle devices are not compatible with the cloudLibrary at this time. Your Southlake Library card is the only ticket you need to embark on this digital journey. No fees, no charges, just a Southlake Library card! Residents can obtain a Southlake Public Library card at no cost by simply providing proof of residency. You may do this online or in person. Non-residents may acquire a Texshare card from a participating library—please call to verify eligibility—or opt to pay the non-resident fee of $25. Visit the cloudLibrary for books and more at the Southlake Library website.