March 16-22, 2020 is designated as National Fix a Leak Week, a week aimed at promoting awareness of water waste and what you can do to save water and money! Did you know that in Southlake, there is a 1 in 20 chance your home has a leak? Leaky faucets, running toilets, old and worn out plumbing fixtures and faulty irrigation controllers contribute to an average of 200 gallons of water waste a day. That much water waste can seriously impact your pocket book! Fix a Leak Week encourages you to take control of your water use by checking places where leaks typically occur. The premise is simple: Take 10 minutes. Check the faucets, toilets, dishwasher and other sources for potential leaks and then take the necessary steps to fix the leak: Looking for more information on fixing leaks? Check out the Environmental Protection Agency’s website at