June 30, 2021

More Paving Set to Take Place on N. White Chapel

Paving on N. White Chapel Boulevard is set to take place on Thursday, July 1. Rebar installation started this week, and contractors were testing the sub grade earlier this week. Masons are finishing up on the resident side of the screening wall from the north limits of the project to Ascot Drive. Once this portion […]

Paving on N. White Chapel Boulevard is set to take place on Thursday, July 1.

Rebar installation started this week, and contractors were testing the sub grade earlier this week.

Masons are finishing up on the resident side of the screening wall from the north limits of the project to Ascot Drive.

Once this portion of the project is finished, work will start between Ascot Drive and Chapel Downs.

For more information, including updates, follow the Southlake Mobility Facebook page or visit www.ConnectSouthlake.com.

Image shows two women during Celebrate Southlake
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