March 15, 2023

OBA Alerts Starting March 20, 2023

March is busy for the City of Southlake’s Public Works Division. Over the next few weeks, several public works projects will take place around town. Traffic may be impacted in the following areas: Big Bear Creek, N. White Chapel Boulevard, and Timarron Creek. Here’s the list and project details: Erosion Protection Improvements – Big Bear […]

March is busy for the City of Southlake’s Public Works Division. Over the next few weeks, several public works projects will take place around town. Traffic may be impacted in the following areas: Big Bear Creek, N. White Chapel Boulevard, and Timarron Creek.

Here’s the list and project details:

Erosion Protection Improvements – Big Bear Creek, March 20

The Big Bear Creek Erosion Protection Improvements project is set to start on Monday, March 20, 2023. City contractors will be on-site near Independence Parkway in the Monticello Estates neighborhood to make improvements to the area’s infrastructure and correct stream erosion. This project will not affect traffic; however, a higher volume of work trucks will enter and exit the community to access the site. This work is expected to last through spring, weather permitting.

Big Bear Creek Map


Asphalt Repair - N. White Chapel Boulevard and Keystone Drive, March 20

Public Works Streets Division will be making an asphalt repair at the intersection of N. White Chapel Boulevard and Keystone Drive starting Monday, March 20, 2023, to Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting.

Map of White Chapel and Keystone Drive


Asphalt Repair - N. White Chapel Boulevard and Brentwood Circle, March 22

The Public Works Streets Division will conduct an asphalt repair at the intersection of N. White Chapel Boulevard and Brentwood Circle starting Wednesday, March 22, 2023, and continuing through March 23, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting.

Map of White Chapel and Brentwood


Erosion Protection Improvements - Timarron Creek and Longford Drive, March 27

The Timarron Creek Erosion Protection Project is set to start on Monday, March 27, 2023. City contractors will be on-site near Longford Drive to make improvements to the area’s infrastructure and correct stream erosion near or within Timarron Creek and in the open space area of the Wyndsor Creek subdivision. This project will not affect traffic; however, a higher volume of work trucks will enter and exit the community to access the site. This work is expected to last through spring, weather permitting.

Map of Timarron Creek

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