April 5, 2021

Severe Weather Awareness Week 2021

The City of Southlake Office of Emergency Management has designated April 5th through April 9th as Southlake’s Severe Weather Awareness Week, 2021. Plan while you can - Severe weather can impact the North Central Texas Region throughout the entire year, and yes, that includes snow and ice!  As we learned this past February, even critical […]

The City of Southlake Office of Emergency Management has designated April 5th through April 9th as Southlake’s Severe Weather Awareness Week, 2021.

Plan while you can -

Severe weather can impact the North Central Texas Region throughout the entire year, and yes, that includes snow and ice!  As we learned this past February, even critical infrastructure such as our power-grid and water supply have the potential to be affected by weather.

When a disaster does occur, the City of Southlake is responsible for a variety of functions. These include emergency response, activating our Emergency Operations Center, requesting mutual aid, declaring a local state of emergency, coordinating with local volunteer organizations, notifying the State, and requesting assistance if applicable.

The State is responsible for reviewing the local situation, proclaiming a State of Emergency, determining the capabilities necessary for response and recovery, and requesting assistance if local resources are overwhelmed.

The Federal Government is responsible for conducting damage assessments, approving, or denying disaster declarations, and coordinating Federal funds for assistance.

While each level of government fulfills its specific role, individual citizens have responsibilities as well.  It is vital households store enough food and water for a minimum of 72 hours per person. Other important practices include knowing where, when, and how to shut off electricity, gas, and water at main switches and valves and having the tools required to do so.

What people do before a disaster can make a dramatic difference in their ability to cope with and recover from a disaster, as well as their ability to protect other household members and family possessions from avoidable losses. Households that are prepared can reduce the fear, anxiety, and losses that surround a disaster. Households that are prepared can also be ready to evacuate their homes, survive a period of confinement to the home, make their stays in public shelters more comfortable, and take care of their basic medical needs. They may even save each other’s lives.

The months of March through August are known for severe weather including thunderstorms, hailstorms, tornados, and flash flooding. Since we know severe weather is inevitable, the time to prepare is NOW! With a little bit of planning, preparation, and day-to-day awareness, you can ensure you and your family are ready when severe weather strikes. Along with the list below, you can visit the City of Southlake Emergency Management’s webpage for more information.

Important steps you can take to protect yourself and your family.

  • Know your hazards
  • Establish plans (evacuation, shelter, communication)
  • Sign-up for weather alerts and warnings at Alert Southlake

City of Southlake - Citizen Alert - Sign up (everbridge.net)

  • Know your primary and secondary evacuation routes
  • Assemble or update essential supplies (72 hrs of food and water per person)
  • Safeguard your important documents
  • Implement updates/mitigation techniques to your home
  • Document and insure your property

Image shows two women during Celebrate Southlake
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