January 19, 2023

Southlake Department of Finance Earns Distinguished Budget Award for FY 2023

The City of Southlake is committed to fiscal responsibility, and it shows! The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has recognized the City’s Finance Department with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and Certificate of Recognition.

This comes shortly after City Council adopted the budget for FY 2023.

To be considered to win this prestigious award, the staff had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines. These guidelines assess how well an organization’s budget serves in the following categories: as a policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications device.

The City Council, the City Manager, Chief Financial Officer, and the City staff are all involved in this process.

“While staff has responsibilities in the financial operations, budget preparation, and day-to-day management, the City Council plays a critical role in our budget process. They help us establish policy, goals, and performance objectives,” Southlake’s Chief Financial Officer, Sharen Jackson, said.

According to GFOA, the City rated “proficient” in the four major categories and met the criteria for the 14 additional categories.

Southlake was among the 1,700 participants who applied to the Budget Awards Program.

The planning process for the FY 2024 budget began in October and will continue until the City Council approves the budget at their second Council Meeting in September.

To review the Adopted FY 2023 budget, please visit www.CityofSouthlake.com/FY2023.
To learn more about GFOA, please visit their website, www.gfoa.org.

Image shows two women during Celebrate Southlake
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