March 16, 2021

Southlake Fire Deploys Help to West Texas

Earlier this month, the Southlake Fire Department was contacted concerning a wildland deployment to West Texas through the Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS). They requested a brush truck and two wildland firefighters, along with other units in the TIFMAS region.  TIFMAS serves as the primary response force for any wildland event that could […]

Earlier this month, the Southlake Fire Department was contacted concerning a wildland deployment to West Texas through the Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS).

They requested a brush truck and two wildland firefighters, along with other units in the TIFMAS region.  TIFMAS serves as the primary response force for any wildland event that could occur.

West Texas and the Panhandle area are experiencing extreme drought conditions, raising the risk of wildland fires. B401, which consists of Lieutenant VanNatta and Firefighter Vogel have deployed to the Southern Panhandle and are part of the primary response force for an 18-county area.

As of yesterday, they were southwest of Lubbock. Please keep our crew and the crews of other towns in your thoughts until they come home!

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