Effective Monday, May 18, 2020, the following park amenities will reopen. With the reopening of the playgrounds and sports courts, essentially all park amenities are now open including: However, as a reminder, all drinking fountains remained closed. Based on the Governor’s announcement this afternoon, all city-owned athletic fields will reopen on May 31, 2020, for practices and June 15, 2020, for games. As per the Governor's executive order, "Effective May 31, 2020, youth sports may begin holding practices without spectators other than one parent or guardian per participant, as needed. Those sports may begin holding games or similar competitions, with our without spectators, on or after June 15, 2020. Spectators should maintain at least 6 feet social distancing from individuals not within the spectator’s group." City staff is communicating with league officials to get new schedules in place and share more information with participants. With the reopening of the City’s park system, the Community Services department has adopted additional cleaning and sanitization practices. We continue to encourage you to make the best possible decisions for yourself and your family by following expert guidance and advice. With that in mind here are some tips from the CDC and the National Recreation and Park Association about using our facilities during this time. DO DON’T The COVID-19 situation is frequently changing. The City of Southlake is committed to working with our residents and businesses as this unprecedented situation unfolds. We are grateful for the support of the community and work every day to continue to earn that trust. For the latest City updates visit www.ProtectSouthlake.com