Quality infrastructure is the foundation of a strong, healthy and vibrant community. As Southlake continues to grow, so will the need for infrastructure access, maintenance and replacement.

Over the last few months, contractors have been onsite at the Fuel Farm located by Brumlow Avenue and SH 26 for the Fuel Farm Water Extension Capital Improvement Project. The purpose of this project is to extend the existing water main, which ends at Brumlow Avenue, to loop back around to South Kimball traveling through the Fuel Farm industrial area.

These improvements will eliminate the existing dead-end mains by connecting the existing infrastructure with new infrastructure. It will also help improve water quality with better circulation in the water system, as well as provide additional fire protection in the event of an emergency.

Contractors have completed the water line improvements along Brumlow Avenue and additional water line improvements will occur on the Fuel Farm property.

The estimated cost of this project is $1.3 million with an expected completion date of April 2021.

Learn more about this and other CIP projects on our Capital Improvement Projects webpage.

When it comes to Capital Improvement Projects, the City of Southlake has made major progress. The Capital Improvement Program, known as the CIP, is a five-year plan that the City has in place for construction of new or investing in the replacement of the City’s physical assets or infrastructure.

Although the program covers a diverse range of sectors in the following areas: Stormwater, Wastewater and Water Utilities; Mobility projects are at the forefront.

The Mobility Projects, which are also listed in the Southlake 2030 mobility master plan includes, but not limited to the development of sidewalks, trails, parks and thoroughfares.

How patrons navigate through Southlake is a huge contributor to the build out and the future of the City, it is important that projects pertaining to this sector of the CIP meet the goals to enhance mobility.

The City has been diligently working toward completing the projects in a timely manner as well as keeping the public informed of the status. Overtime, one project after another has seen success.

Below is a list of ongoing projects and upcoming projects.

Ongoing Projects

Zena Rucker Connector and Roundabout

White Chapel Widening Project

Upcoming Projects

SH 114 Frontage Roads – Along Dove and Kirkwood. This is a partnership project with TxDOT to extend the westbound of the frontage road to Kirkwood Boulevard.  The construction contract for this project is scheduled to be awarded in Fall 2020.

An interactive CIP map is available on the City’s website.  Visit us online for more information about the Capital Improvement Program and the 2030 Mobility Master Plan.

The City of Southlake often refers to the Capital Improvement Program when citing projects and infrastructure, such as mobility projects.

The program, often referred to as CIP, is a five-year plan the City has in place for construction of new or investing in the replacement of the City’s physical assets or infrastructure. The City utilizes cash and proceeds from bond sales to fund CIP projects.

With CIP, City staff can budget and identify projects that otherwise cannot be addressed due to funding limitations within the annual operating budget or limited, internal resources or manpower.

When it comes to mobility, this five-year program identifies construction projects identified and prioritized within the Southlake 2030 and Southlake 2035 master plans.

The Mobility 2030 Master Plan includes several citywide plans that prioritize the development of thoroughfares, sidewalks, trails and parks. The recommendations within the plan serve as a guide to the development of CIP projects as well as departmental business plans.

Two major mobility CIP projects currently in progress are the N. White Chapel Widening and Zena Rucker Connector.

Other projects such as the SH 114 Frontage Roads and FM 1938 improvements are managed by the Texas Department of Transportation. The City often partners with TxDOT, contributing to these projects financially, while TxDOT manages and oversees construction.

You can view active and upcoming projects on our interactive CIP map. Find more information about the Capital Improvement Program and the 2030 Mobility Master Plan on our website.

Work on Zena Rucker road has been quietly making progress. Contractors have been on-site pouring concrete and installing rebar for the new sidewalk located on the southside of the roundabout, and new landscaping is also in the works.

Once completed, Zena Rucker Road will connect Matthews Court and Tower Boulevard, with the public artwork display, “Mockingbird Tree,” installed at the  Zena Rucker Road and Tower Boulevard roundabout. The final result will provide east-west connectivity from Byron Nelson Parkway to South Carroll Avenue.

The estimated project cost is $2.1 million.

With the project estimated to be completed by Summer 2020, weather permitting, the City can add this to the list of completed projects within its Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The CIP is in place to support the purchase, construction, or replacement of the City’s physical assets. Examples include projects like the Zena Rucker roundabout and roadway extension.

For updates on this and other Southlake Mobility projects, follow Southlake Mobility on Facebook and visit www.ConnectSouthlake.com

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