Update 11/26/2024: Great news! The work is now complete, and both Byron Nelson Parkway and Diamond Boulevard have reopened. Thank you for your patience as we finished this important work. The Byron Nelson Deceleration Lane project is expected to be completed by the end of the year.
We understand the delays on the Byron Nelson Deceleration Lane project have been frustrating, and we sincerely appreciate your patience. To move this project forward, contractors will work on the electrical infrastructure near the intersection of F.M. 1709 and Byron Nelson on Tuesday, November 26, for approximately six hours beginning at 9 a.m. During this time, access to both Byron Nelson Pkwy. and Diamond Blvd. at F.M. 1709 will be closed. F.M. 1709 will remain open in both directions. Signs will be in place to guide drivers through the detours. Please see the detour map below. We encourage drivers to use caution when driving in this area as our workers are present.
This latest step in the project is scheduled during Thanksgiving break to reduce impact. We expect this project to be completed by the end of the year. Thank you for your continued understanding.
Heads up to those who live in the Torian Place subdivision! Weather permitting, our Public Works team will be on Torian Lane tomorrow, November 13, to fix a radio antenna. One lane of traffic will remain open throughout the project, and traffic control will be onsite for safety. Thank you for your patience as we complete this necessary repair.
Starting Tuesday, October 8th, the Public Works Water Division will be repairing a water leak on Dove Rd near Hunters Creek and the Hunters Ridge subdivision. The team will be on-site daily from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and will continue working until the repair is fully completed. Traffic control will be stationed at the intersection to help keep traffic flowing smoothly. Please plan accordingly and drive with caution in the area to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Thank you for your patience!
Heads up, Shadow Creek Estates residents! The City Streets Division will conduct road repairs on Shadow Creek Court from September 16th to September 20th, weather permitting. The road will remain open for traffic, with work scheduled daily from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thank you for your patience as we work on making your ride smoother and safer.
The Community Services Department is delighted to introduce Fince Espinoza as the new Deputy Director of Community Services, overseeing Parks and Capital Improvement Projects.
With an impressive 25-year background in shaping green spaces, Fince is no stranger to the deputy director role, having successfully contributed to the growth and development of both the City of Highland Village and the City of Denton's Parks Departments. His extensive experience collaborating with City Council and Boards and Commissions on projects ranging from parks and trails master plans to bond elections and Capital Improvement Projects makes him a stellar addition to the team.
Fince has a proven track record of overseeing capital projects from inception to completion, and his expertise extends to managing various park improvement projects and green ribbon-funded TXDOT projects such as the one Southlake is currently undertaking.
Not only does Mr. Espinoza bring executive-level proficiency, but he also holds various licenses and certifications related to park maintenance, construction, planning, and irrigation. His commitment to continuous improvement is highlighted by his background in training, where he has shared his knowledge internally and externally in various disciplines.
Fince also boasts hands-on operational experience, that ranges from cutting-edge irrigation techniques to athletic fields and events management. This operational wisdom will prove invaluable as he leads the parks division into a groundbreaking era of redevelopment and park operations, demanding a keen focus on innovation and efficiency to navigate the evolving park landscape. Fince is poised to provide executive-level leadership, ensuring the entire division flourishes under his guidance.
The Community Services Department is thrilled to welcome Fince, and eagerly anticipates the positive impact his wealth of experience and dynamic leadership will bring to Southlake's vibrant community. Join us in congratulating him as he steps into this exciting new role!
Beginning in the new year, the City of Southlake will begin a project to replace the existing HVAC equipment within Town Hall. The existing HVAC equipment is 20 years old and nearing the end of its lifespan. The new equipment will be more resilient to failure and will include a UV lighting disinfectant system, intended to kill airborne viruses, bacteria, mold and related harmful airborne substances.
The heavy project work will begin the first week of January 2021 and continue through spring 2021, but the timeline is subject to weather and a variety of other factors. Town Hall visitors may hear quite a bit of noise early in the project and may also notice some ceilings exposed and various construction equipment throughout the building. Caution tape and warning signage will be placed around construction areas.
Throughout these months, contractors will be working in the building seven days a week at a wide variety of hours, except for during Council/Board meetings. This is so the project can be expedited and completed by spring. During these months, staff asks guests to please avoid construction equipment and remain cautious when near working areas.
To move materials, one Town Hall elevator may be periodically reserved for construction use and lined with padding. When an elevator is reserved for construction use, please use the other elevator. Notices will be placed on corresponding elevators in these situations.
An equipment staging area will be set up on the west side of Town Hall. This will involve blocking off a section of parking in that area and putting up temporary construction fencing. Please avoid walking into the fencing area.
The project budget is an estimated $2 million to be funded through the Tax Increment Finance District Fund and Facility Maintenance Fund.
Work on N. White Chapel is progressing and still on track.
Storm drainage infrastructure construction for east and west Chapel Downs continues. Work on the storm drainage improvements under N. White Chapel are set to take place along the southbound lane as soon as the temporary road construction is complete to support shifting traffic off of the existing southbound lane.
Recently, contractors have been working to install the road base to support the temporary road construction along the east side of N. White Chapel. Temporary asphalt will begin to be laid on this road base soon and this will allow us to shift both lanes of traffic east and open up the existing southbound lane for demolition and the installation of the storm drainage improvements in this area. The temporary road construction was designed to allow ample room to maintain the turn lanes and existing lane widths throughout construction so that impacts to traffic can be minimized.
Construction of the retaining and screening walls will continue through the fall.
Construction for the N. White Chapel widening project is estimated to be completed by Spring 2022 for an estimated total cost of $17 million.
There are many ongoing construction projects throughout the City of Southlake. Each project seems to march to a specific rhythm that translates to physical progress. This progress can be seen when you look at a project every few days.
Some projects seem to lag or even take a step or two backward. There are good reasons for many of the occurrences that you may see out in the field. These reasons are as numerous as the different project types.
Let's narrow this discussion to the North White Chapel roadway widening project. Specifically, let's look at the work taking place at the intersection of North White Chapel and Chapel Downs.
The contractor is working to install a new drainage system that will be placed under the roadway when all of the work has been completed. The contractor is slowly working along West Chapel Downs. The contractor digs. New drainage pieces are installed. The contractor closes up the hole and starts the process all over again.
The contractor works this way because the City directed the contractor to keep the existing drainage system operational while the new system is constructed. There will be a point in the project when the old and new systems will come together. The work on West Chapel Downs is expected to be completed in the coming weeks.
The contractor will then move to start work on East Chapel Downs. The area is different and the requirements are different. The contractor will use a different method and technique for this portion of the work. The entrance at North White Chapel and East Chapel Downs will also be closed for several weeks to complete this part of the project.
Over the last six months contractors have been working on constructing the retaining wall along the east side of the N. White Chapel widening project. Although this portion of the project is taking a considerable amount of time to complete, this relatively hidden structure plays a critical role in the design and construction of the new four-lane thoroughfare and contributes to driver safety and ultimately the preservation of privacy for adjacent residents.
A retaining wall is a structure designed to “retain” material, hence soil, on one side. The east side retaining wall for this project retains the soil that will be beneath the new northbound lanes and serves as the structural support for the neighborhood screening walls. In this case, contractors are constructing the retaining walls using reinforced concrete, adhering strictly to the structurally engineered design details to ensure safety, stability, and longevity.
Soon contractors will begin constructing permanent masonry screening walls on top of the completed sections of retaining wall. These screening walls are designed to complement the community’s aesthetic by adding texture and style. Once the wall and roadway widening work is completed, landscaping will be added to the medians for a scenic drive.
As of now contractors are working on backfill and clean up tasks associated with the retaining walls. Construction of the retaining and screening walls is estimated to continue into Fall 2020.
The entire N. White Chapel widening project is estimated to be completed by Spring 2022 for an estimated total cost of $17 million.
The City of Southlake is committed to keeping our residents safe. Due to resident concerns surrounding the dual-lane roundabout located at the intersection of N. White Chapel and Highland, the pavement marking within the roundabout will be modified.
Starting Friday, April 24, N. White Chapel will be temporarily narrowed to one lane near the roundabout, and the inside lane of the roundabout will be temporarily closed until all marking modifications are completed. These updates are estimated to take one to two weeks to complete, weather permitting.
The new pavement marking will make it easier for drivers to travel safely in the appropriate lane and exit accordingly. Changing lanes within the roundabout is not recommended.
The City will provide more guidance on how to navigate this unique roundabout as updates become available. For more information, please follow the Southlake Mobility Facebook page. Please contact the Public Works Department at 817-748-8098 if you have any questions.