The City of Southlake invites you to attend a swearing-in ceremony for returning City Councilmember Ronnell Smith, returning City Councilwoman Amy Torres-Lepp, and incoming Councilmember Shawn McCaskill.

The ceremony will take place during the city council meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. A reception following the meeting will be hosted in the lobby of Town Hall.

The City will also recognize and celebrate outgoing Councilmember Chad Patton.

Shawn McCaskill – Place 3

Councilmember Shawn McCaskill previously served in Place 2 in 2015 and served as Deputy Mayor Pro Temp from 2016-2019. He will return as Place 3 when he takes the Oath of Office at the May 17 City Council meeting.





Ronell Smith – Place 4

Councilman Ronell Smith returns for a second term. He initially took oath in 2019 and previously served on the Zoning Board of Adjustment.





Amy Torres – Lepp Place 5

Councilwoman Amy Torres was recently elected to serve in Place 5 in 2021. Prior to her service as a City Councilmember, she served on the Planning and Zoning Commission. She is a Leadership Southlake Graduate, Class Graduate, and an active member of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce.





Chad Patton – Mayor Pro Tem

Chad Patton was elected to serve on the City Council Place 3 in 2016 and has served as Mayor Pro Tem since 2021. Before his service as an elected official, Councilmember Patton has served on the 2035 Corridor Planning Committee, Zoning Board of Adjustment, and Parks and Recreation Board.



To learn more about the City Council, please visit the City's website.

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