Pavement markings are the silent traffic communicator that help direct commuters along their routes. They also help create a safe experience for drivers and pedestrians by improving visibility.
Over the last few weeks, the Southlake Mobility Team has been working diligently to remove and update pavement markings around Southlake. So far, striping has taken place in school zones, at several intersections, in the White Chapel and Highland roundabout, and along both Brumlow Avenue and S. Kimball Avenue.
Although pavement marking projects are smaller-scale when compared to the N. White Chapel widening and Zena Rucker Road extension, they contribute to mobility daily and keeping them in good condition is a community effort.
Requests usually come from residents, business owners or City staff. The team also keeps an inventory of school zones for any safety issues, including pavement marking visibility. The information is documented in a spreadsheet that is maintained by the Traffic Management Division. As the end of the school year approaches, the list is then checked for any upcoming paving or development projects to make sure that markings are not prematurely applied to the roadway.
Criteria for pavement marking replacement generally depends on the traffic volume and the types of vehicles that travel on the roadway because construction vehicles and heavy trucks can cause more wear. It also depends on the type of paint that was used on the pavement. Regular paint lasts one to two years, but thermoplastic is estimated to last between three to five years before any signs of deterioration.
Once an area is confirmed as a candidate for restriping, the process is quite simple. For instance, if an intersection has faded marking, the marking can be removed by grinding or sandblasting and then vacuumed away. Once all the debris is cleared, new markings are applied. The process usually takes anywhere from a few hours to one or two business days.
As of now, all striping projects have been completed for this fiscal year. The replacement process will start back up next spring. To make a request for pavement markings for next year, you can visit the Connect Southlake page and hit the Contact link. A mobility team member will reach out to you within 24-48 hours.
To learn more about Southlake Mobility, please follow us on the Southlake Mobility Facebook Page.
It seems like yesterday the City announced the N. White Chapel Widening Project to improve safety and mobility within Southlake. Since construction commenced in 2017, we wanted to take a look back to see how far we’ve come and how much longer we have until completion.
The N. White Chapel Widening Project developed as part of the Southlake 2030 Master Mobility Plan. The plan is a document that houses recommendations to the City’s transportation network which includes the Sidewalk Plans, Pathways Plan and Thoroughfare Plan.
The plan is updated every five years to accommodate Southlake’s growing population and future developments.
“Transportation is one of the community’s most visible and permanent elements,” said Rob Cohen, Director of Public Works. “The mobility plan inaugurates the framework for the community’s growth and build out. By creating a good transportation system, commuters can travel efficiently, conveniently and safely.”
The project was designed to take place in two phases. Phase 1 included the widening of the road from Highway 114 to Highland and the construction of the dual-lane roundabout located at the intersection of N. White Chapel and Highland. Phase 2 is the widening of the road from Emerald to Highland.
The City works side by side with contractors to ensure that this project remains on schedule.
“Staying on track for this project is one of our main priorities,” Cohen said. “The City works closely with contractors and has meetings to ensure that the ongoing construction is on schedule and that the impact on traffic is minimal.”
The road widening and roundabout components of Phase 1 are almost complete. Outstanding tasks for Phase 1 include landscaping, lighting, and the installation of the artwork, “Be the Bridge” by artist Boris Kramer. Phase 2 is moving steady with utility and prep work for the installation of a new screening wall.
The end result will leave N. White Chapel complete with a four-lane roadway between 114 and FM 1709, divided by a landscape median with new sidewalks for pedestrians.
The project is expected to be completed by Spring 2022 with an estimated cost of $17 million.
For more updates on Mobility projects, follow the Southlake Mobility Facebook page or visit