Quality infrastructure is the foundation of a strong, healthy and vibrant community. As Southlake continues to grow, so will the need for infrastructure access, maintenance and replacement.
Over the last few months, contractors have been onsite at the Fuel Farm located by Brumlow Avenue and SH 26 for the Fuel Farm Water Extension Capital Improvement Project. The purpose of this project is to extend the existing water main, which ends at Brumlow Avenue, to loop back around to South Kimball traveling through the Fuel Farm industrial area.
These improvements will eliminate the existing dead-end mains by connecting the existing infrastructure with new infrastructure. It will also help improve water quality with better circulation in the water system, as well as provide additional fire protection in the event of an emergency.
Contractors have completed the water line improvements along Brumlow Avenue and additional water line improvements will occur on the Fuel Farm property.
The estimated cost of this project is $1.3 million with an expected completion date of April 2021.
Learn more about this and other CIP projects on our Capital Improvement Projects webpage.