Thursday, April 18, 2024

City of Southlake Senior Activity Center Members take a Ride on the Grapevine Vintage Railroad Stockyard Trinity River Train

32346891Join the City of Southlake Senior Activity Center members on the Grapevine Vintage Railroad Stockyard Trinity River Ride on Friday May 30, 2014. The Southlake Senior Activity Center bus will depart from the Center at 1:30 p.m. and will return back to the Center at 5:00 p.m.  Please note that the arrival and return times are subject to change.

Attendees will travel to the Fort Worth Stockyards with a beautiful view along the Trinity River. Two seating options are available for purchase, First Class for $15.00 and Touring Class for $10.00. The first class seating includes A/C, victorian-style upholder seats and an attendant service during the excursion (not wheelchair accessible). The Touring Class offers open-air travel with vintage wooden backed bench seating and is wheelchair accessible.

The train tickets are to be purchased by attendees at the train station. The event cost due to the Senior Center is $3.00 and will be paid when you register. All other costs (concessions, souvenirs, etc.) are to be covered by the individual.

If you are interested in signing up for this exciting outing, you can register at the Southlake Senior Activity Center, located at 307 Parkwood Drive.  For more information, please contact (817) 748-8315.