Experiencesouthlaketexas.com received a facelift that is giving us fierce vibes!
If you’ve logged on to the Experience Southlake Texas website in the last week, then you’ve noticed it looks very different. The Community Services Community Relations division collaborated with Civic Plus to redesign the Experience website over the last few months. The new website officially launched last Thursday.
Like any good makeover, the heart and soul of the website stayed the same. The experience, however, has been enhanced. The new design makes it easier for the end-user to navigate the site. Community Relations staff worked diligently to clean up content, rethink the site to improve performance, and update graphics.
The new design also allows for a more user-friendly mobile version of the site. As nearly 60% of the traffic to the site comes from a mobile device, it was imperative to improve the mobile user experience. Our mission at the Community Services Department is to create world-class experiences-- and that includes making your online experience world-class as well.
The Experience Website is your one-stop-shop for everything Parks, Recreation, Senior Services, Champions Club, Legends Hall, Community Events, Public Art, and more! Stay on top of family programming, Bob Jones Nature Center activities, and upcoming member appreciation events. Plan your next life celebration and sign up for Champions Club. If you haven’t had the chance to check it out yet, take a look!
Experiencesouthlaketexas.com received a facelift that is giving us fierce vibes!
If you’ve logged on to the Experience Southlake Texas website in the last week, then you’ve noticed it looks very different. The Community Services Community Relations division collaborated with Civic Plus to redesign the Experience website over the last few months. The new website officially launched last Thursday.
Like any good makeover, the heart and soul of the website stayed the same. The experience, however, has been enhanced. The new design makes it easier for the end-user to navigate the site. Community Relations staff worked diligently to clean up content, rethink the site to improve performance, and update graphics.
The new design also allows for a more user-friendly mobile version of the site. As nearly 60% of the traffic to the site comes from a mobile device, it was imperative to improve the mobile user experience. Our mission at the Community Services Department is to create world-class experiences-- and that includes making your online experience world-class as well.
The Experience Website is your one-stop-shop for everything Parks, Recreation, Senior Services, Champions Club, Legends Hall, Community Events, Public Art, and more! Stay on top of family programming, Bob Jones Nature Center activities, and upcoming member appreciation events. Plan your next life celebration and sign up for Champions Club. If you haven’t had the chance to check it out yet, take a look!