September 10, 2021

Teen Driving and Back to School Safety

School has been back in session for a few weeks now and although everyone seems to be adjusting effortlessly to their new school schedule and traffic, we can’t forget about our young drivers who are experiencing driving to school solo for the first time. Starting a new school, making new friends and changing grades can […]

School has been back in session for a few weeks now and although everyone seems to be adjusting effortlessly to their new school schedule and traffic, we can’t forget about our young drivers who are experiencing driving to school solo for the first time.

Starting a new school, making new friends and changing grades can be overwhelming on its own.

Now, they are tasked with looking out for pedestrians and other young drivers.

Here are a few tips for our teen drivers:

  1. Refrain from responding to texts and checking social media while driving.
  2. Follow the speed limit on highways, roads and school zones.
  3. Do not multi-task while driving. Tasks such as applying makeup, changing the radio station and eating limit your focus and can increase the risk of an accident.
  4. Limit the number of passengers in your vehicle.

Parents, please share these tips with your teens before they leave home for school.

For more updates and tips about pedestrian safety, road construction and traffic, follow the Southlake Mobility Facebook page or visit

Image shows two women during Celebrate Southlake
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