February 21, 2020

Understanding Mobility: What are Medians?

You see them everywhere, on roadways, small shopping areas, near schools and even your neighborhoods. Although they are common, medians play an important role when it comes to mobility in Southlake. Medians provide a physical barrier to separate traffic flow from opposite directions. They are also used to manage access and make parkway improvements.  Although […]

You see them everywhere, on roadways, small shopping areas, near schools and even your neighborhoods. Although they are common, medians play an important role when it comes to mobility in Southlake.

Medians provide a physical barrier to separate traffic flow from opposite directions. They are also used to manage access and make parkway improvements.  Although their main function is to help improve safety, security and overall visibility, medians serve as a tremendous design opportunity to define and enhance the character of the community.

There are several types of medians including: raised medians, flush medians and depressed medians. The most common median in Southlake are raised medians.

Raised medians can help reduce motor vehicle crashes and speeds and provide space to enhance the built and natural environment. They are normally located along major roadways such as Southlake Boulevard or North Carroll Avenue south of SH 114. If you have driven through any of these areas, you will see a consistent level of visual aesthetics such as shrubbery, decorative signage and corner planting.

Raised medians can also allow or restrict certain vehicular movement, which is a key component of access management, based on the area. Median treatments used for in Southlake to manage access include:

  1. Hooded Left – allows only one vehicle to make left turns.
  2. Dual Hooded Left – allows two vehicles from opposing directions to make left turns into driveways safely while restricting left turns from driveways
  3. Median Island – restricts certain movements, usually left turns, from a driveway for a privately owned property.

For more information, visit ConnectSouthlake.com to stay up-to-date on projects and follow us on Facebook for the latest mobility news.

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