August 5, 2021

Why Should I Care About the Budget?

Want to see an upgrade to the library, recreation programs or your neighborhood sidewalks and parks? The City’s budget funds everyday services such as fire response, police protection, drinking water, wastewater and streets to go from place to place. But the budget also goes beyond basic services to support the quality of life for those […]

Want to see an upgrade to the library, recreation programs or your neighborhood sidewalks and parks?

The City’s budget funds everyday services such as fire response, police protection, drinking water, wastewater and streets to go from place to place. But the budget also goes beyond basic services to support the quality of life for those who live, work and play in Southlake such as beautiful parks and open spaces, recreation opportunities and programs for everyone.

The City of Southlake strategically plans each year with a balanced budget, directing resources to areas essential to the community’s wellbeing. We know these services and activities are important because our citizens tell us what matters to them through the biennial Citizen Satisfaction Survey, customer feedback and discussions with staff and elected leaders.

The city manager files the budget each year on August 15. The City Council provides direction, reviews the budget, and once voted on and approved, the City’s plans are funded for the next fiscal year from October 1 to September 30.

But planning for the budget begins long before that. Many times, plans for the next fiscal year begin in October. Each budget shows the financial plan for how tax dollars are being put to work and what services and programs citizens want prioritized for funding.

Together, with guidance from citizens, we can envision and create the best Southlake.

Want to learn more about the budget? Visit

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