May 23, 2022

2021-2022 SYAC Chair is Heading to Harvard Next Fall!

The Southlake Youth Action Commission (SYAC) consists of civic-minded young residents with a passion for learning and giving back to their community. Each year, young members of the Southlake community volunteer their time to serve on this crucial City board. They learn about local government and share their perspectives as part of the City's youth. […]

The Southlake Youth Action Commission (SYAC) consists of civic-minded young residents with a passion for learning and giving back to their community.

Each year, young members of the Southlake community volunteer their time to serve on this crucial City board. They learn about local government and share their perspectives as part of the City's youth. This year’s SYAC Chair, Katy Lin, led the group through various projects. They learned about the CIP process, picked up litter on Shady Oaks Dr. through Keep Southlake Beautiful Adopt-A-Street Program, and participated in a City-wide Intern Day.

A soon-to-be graduate of Carroll Senior High School, Katy Lin, is heading to Cambridge, Massachusetts in the Fall to join the Harvard University Class of 2026! She hopes to pursue a concentration in government with a minor in philosophy. Her future career plans include attending law school and becoming a human rights lawyer for an international NGO!

Katy served on SYAC all four years she was in high school. After last year’s Intern Day, Katy procured a summer internship in the City Manager’s Office, where she got a first-hand view of the City's strategy.

“SYAC helped me understand the functions of the City and the greater importance of local government. It widened my understanding of how much municipal decisions affect the lives of residents, often far more than state or national politics. Being a part of SYAC has also taught me the importance of service to my community and instilled a passion to continue that wherever I go.” Katy Lin, SYAC Chair.

Congratulations on your acceptance to Harvard, Katy! We’ll miss seeing you around the City this Fall, but we know you have a bright future ahead!

Image features a joyful bride surrounded by her bridesmaids
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