Stacy Wells: The Hero Behind the Southlake Library's Youth Programs Success Story
From toddlers to teens, Stacy Wells has mastered the art of turning every young reader into a lifelong library fan.
Stacy Wells: The Hero Behind the Southlake Library's Youth Programs Success Story
From toddlers to teens, Stacy Wells has mastered the art of turning every young reader into a lifelong library fan.
Defining Heroism: Celebrating Captain Milan Georgia’s Lifelong Dedication to Service
This Veterans Day, we are proud to honor Milan Georgia as Veteran of the Year for his life dedicated to courage and service beyond self.
Celebrating Municipal Courts Week
Meet the Dynamic Team Behind Southlake’s Municipal Court.
Southlake Finance Earns Top Honors in Energy Management and Procurement
With top honors in energy management and procurement, the city’s eco-friendly and financial excellence is shining brighter than ever.
City of Southlake Communications Teams Shine at the 3CMA Savvy Awards
Southlake’s communications teams brought home two Awards of Excellence, two Silver Circles, and the highly acclaimed Savvy Award.
Dedication in Service, Warmth in Every Welcome: Barbara Ridenour's Lasting Impact
In the bustling heart of Southlake's Champions Club, there is one constant serving our customers with a warm smile and vibrant positivity.
Southlake Shines: City Honored with TAMI Awards for Outstanding Communication
City of Southlake takes home four prestigious awards for communication efforts.
Precision in Numbers: Karen Randall’s Magic Combination
Integrity in Action, Ideal Teamwork
Southlake Planning & Zoning Commissioner Honored with Planning Advocate Award
The Southlake Planning and Zoning Commissioner was recently honored for his 20 years of dedicated service.
City of Southlake Named Tree City USA Community for 27th Consecutive Year
Rooted in a commitment to urban forestry, our city proudly stands as a certified Tree City USA community.
Southlake Planning and Development Services Wins the Richard R. Lillie Planning Excellence Award
To highlight the City’s achievements in planning excellence, the City of Southlake was recently honored with the prestigious Richard R. Lillie Planning Excellence Award, bestowed by the American Planning Association Texas Chapter. This award recognizes communities that exemplify outstanding planning efforts and are dedicated to creating thriving, sustainable, innovative urban environments.
City of Southlake Purchasing Manager Named Sole Recipient of the 2023 TxPPA President’s Award
As a subject matter expert for the Universal Public Procurement Certification Council (UPPCC) Board of Examiners, City of Southlake Purchasing Manager Tim Slifka CPPO, CPPB didn’t write the book on Public Procurement, but he does the next best thing – helps create the certification questions for newer Public Procurement Officers and Buyers to ensure they are ready for the job.
Southlake DPS Social Media Claims Top Honors at TATOA Conference
Government award season unofficially kicked off with the Texas Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (TATOA) awards, held this year at the 27th annual TATOA conference in downtown Dallas.
Community Services Department Wins Two TRAPS North Region Awards
The City of Southlake’s Community Services Department is thrilled to announce its double victory at the 2023 Texas Recreation and Parks Society (TRAPS) North Region Awards. This recognition highlights the department’s unwavering commitment to enhancing the well-being of Southlake residents through innovative and inclusive community recreation programs.
Minute with the Mayor Sweeps the Interview Category in TATOA 2023
For Southlake residents, hearing from the Mayor is as simple as logging into Facebook on Monday mornings as they drink their coffee and begin their day. Each week for over two years, Mayor John Huffman has visited different corners of the City talking about Southlake news and happenings – from hidden gems to well-known events – and at the 2023 Texas Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (TATOA) Conference in Dallas, Texas, the Minute with the Mayor series made a splash.
Southlake DPS Social Media Wins National, State Awards
On September 7th, 2023, the national group 3CMA (City-County Communications & Marketing Association) awarded the Southlake Police and Fire Departments social media two distinct awards.
No “I” in “Southlake”: Teamwork Trends as the TAMI Awards Stack Up in 2023
There’s no “I” in “Team” – or “Southlake,” for that matter. This philosophy is rooted in humility, service, and selflessness, and is a key reason that the City of Southlake’s communications teams earned recognition at the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO) conference this summer.
Southlake Wins Proactive Water Systems Award
On Aug. 7, in an Austin conference room crowded with employees from cities all over the state, Madisson Dunn and Michelle Galan of the Southlake Environmental Services Division proudly accepted the Proactive Water System award – an accolade commending innovative techniques that promote water conservation and environmental awareness.
Southlake’s Municipal Clerk’s Office Recognized with Achievement of Excellence Award
The City of Southlake’s City Secretary’s Office (CSO) recently received the Achievement of Excellence Award from the Texas Municipal Clerks Association. The award recognizes the City’s exceptional management and efficient use of resources in its municipal clerk’s office.
Southlake Department of Finance Earns Distinguished Budget Award for FY 2023
The City of Southlake is committed to fiscal responsibility, and it shows! The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has recognized the City’s Finance Department with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and Certificate of Recognition.
Southlake Takes Home Titles from TATOA 2022
At the 2022 TATOA (Texas Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors) Conference in McAllen, Texas, two departments from the City of Southlake were honored — the Department of Public Safety and the Office of Communications and Customer Experience.
Community Services Aquatics Team Receives the TAAF Gold Member City Award
The last few weeks have been very rewarding as Community Services staff continue to receive awards! The City of Southlake recently received the Gold Member City Award from the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF). The Gold Member City Award recognizes significant participation, support, and TAAF involvement. The Texas Amateur Athletic Federation is a nonprofit organization […]
Southlake Planning and Development Services wins the Richard R. Lillie Planning Excellence Award
The Planning and Development Services Department recently won the Richard R. Lillie Planning Excellence Award from the Texas American Planning Association.
Community Services Department Wins the TRAPS North Region Excellence in Maintenance Award
The Community Services Department recently learned that it is the recipient of the 2022 Texas Recreation And Parks Society (TRAPS) North Region’s Excellence in Maintenance (Class II) Award!
Community Services Department Wins Two Programming TRAPS North Region Awards
Community programming is a quintessential aspect of Parks and Recreation. The goal of the Community Services team is to create world-class experiences for our residents and participants.
Southlake Departments of Safety Wins a 2022 Silver Circle Award
The Southlake Departments of Safety received the 2022 Silver Circle Award from the City-County Communications and Marketing Association (3CMA) for their video on emergency preparedness. The national award was presented at the 3CMA Annual Conference in September 2022.
Southlake Purchasing Manager Receives High Recognition from the Texas Public Purchasing Association
The Texas Public Purchasing Association (TxPPA) recently recognized Southlake Purchasing Manager Tim Slifka and the City of Southlake for procurement excellence with the Achievement of Excellence in Procurement (AEP) Award from the National Procurement Institute.
We’re Keeping it Green: The City of Southlake Receives Tree City USA Award
The City of Southlake received the Tree City USA Award for its 24th year in a row! The award was presented by the Arbor Day Foundation, a non-profit conservation and education organization with a mission to inspire people to plant, celebrate, and nurture trees.
Achievement of Library Excellence Awarded to Southlake Public Library
The Southlake Public Library has received the 2021 Achievement of Library Excellence Award from the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association (TMLDA.)
The Senior Activity Center is known for its dedication to the senior community and its world-class programs!
The Marq Southlake Wins the 2022 TRAPS Recreation Facility Design Award
Community Services staff learned last Friday that The Marq Southlake won the 2022 Texas Recreation and Parks Society (TRAPS) Recreation Facility Design Award at the State level!