Southlake News

City to Spray for Mosquitos After Two Positive WNV Traps

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that two mosquito traps in Southlake have tested positive for West Nile Virus. The positive West Nile Virus traps are located in the 100 block of Meadowlark Lane and the 2200 block of Shady Oaks Drive. The City will begin spraying within the […]

Stay Informed and Be Prepared

Subfreezing temperatures are expected this week, starting Thursday, December 22, through at least Christmas Eve. As we prepare for the cold temperatures we also want you to be weather aware. PREPARE YOUR HOME Make sure you know how to turn off your water meter Protect your outdoor pipes Bring your pets indoors Turn your sprinklers […]

A Lasting Legacy – Emergency Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month. The City of Southlake Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has committed to participating and increasing awareness throughout our community. The 2022 theme, A Lasting Legacy, focuses on the importance of protecting every life by preparing for disasters. Ultimately, these efforts will help us create and preserve a long-lasting legacy. Emergencies […]

The Weekly Adventures of the Southlake Police Department (August 25th-September 2nd, 2022)

Here are some of the many calls and incidents we responded to for the week of August 25th through September 2nd, 2022: --Suspect was arrested at the Hilton after arguing with staff and refusing to leave. --At 1:00am, officers arrested and criminally trespassed a suspect who has been causing problems at the Hilton (unrelated to […]

The Weekly Adventures of the Southlake Police Department (August 12th-August 19th, 2022)

Here are some of the many calls and incidents we responded to for the week of August 12th through August 19th, 2022: --Officers provided perimeter security and blocked off roads for firefighters and EMS during the fire off of T.W. King well into the night. --A Corporal stopped a white Chevrolet pickup truck with a […]

The Weekly Adventures of the Southlake Police Department (August 5th-August 11th, 2022)

Here are some of the many calls and incidents we responded to for the week of August 5th through August 11th, 2022: --Officers arrested a suspect who attempted to cash a $2,500 fraudulent check at First Financial Bank.  The suspect had been successful in cashing one in Grapevine. -- There was a wrong way driver […]

Immunization Awareness Month: Best Practices to Protect Yourself and Others

The best way to prevent communicable diseases is by receiving on-time vaccinations. Medical and public health experts within the CDC take into account the strength of our immune system at various ages, and how likely we are to be exposed to certain diseases when forming their vaccination schedule. Medical and public health experts have designed […]

Tips to "Beat The Heat" this Summer in Southlake

Citizens of Southlake and North Texas are no strangers to high temperatures and humidity during the summer months. Every year, people across the country die due to heat-related illnesses, so it’s important to know what you can do to prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke. That's why the City of Southlake Office of Emergency Management […]

Retiring the American Flag with Honor: The City of Southlake’s Flag Disposal Program

If you ask Americans what the U.S. flag represents, you may hear various responses. To some, the flag represents freedom and bravery. To others, patriotism and hope. Although there is no wrong answer, the flag is symbolic of our country’s core values and must be respected at all times. While the respect factor may always […]

City Prepares to Offer Warming Center

City staff has been hard at work preparing for the pending winter weather. One of the many ways in which we are ready to continue serving the community throughout the winter weather event is by preparing to open a warming center, should it be needed. Although the effects of this storm are not expected to […]

City Announces Update to Alert Southlake

Due to enormous resident feedback from the February 2021 winter storm, the City of Southlake added all mobile phone numbers that are billed to Southlake addresses to Alert Southlake, our emergency notification system. All of these users will begin receiving emergency communications issued by the City of Southlake by text message, followed by a phone call if the user does not confirm receipt of the message.  “Everbridge, […]

City to Spray for Mosquitoes After Two Positive WNV Traps

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that a mosquito trap sample in Southlake has tested positive for West Nile Virus. The City of Southlake will conduct targeted ground spraying after Tarrant County Public Health Department confirmed 2 positive West Nile virus mosquito samples. Contractors will conduct three (3) consecutive […]

It Takes a Community to Prepare for and Respond to Emergencies

Emergency preparedness isn’t limited to government and residents. Businesses should be prepared for disaster situations as well. The whole community approach to emergency management pulls together the entire community to prepare for and respond to crisis situations. Prepare. By being prepared, businesses can respond quickly and even help the community in a time of need.  […]

City to Spray for Mosquitoes After Positive WNV Trap

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that a mosquito trap sample in Southlake has tested positive for West Nile Virus. The City of Southlake will conduct targeted ground spraying after Tarrant County Public Health Department confirmed a positive West Nile virus mosquito sample. Contractors will conduct three (3) consecutive […]

Southlake DPS Wins TAMI Video Award for PSA

The Southlake Department of Public Safety recently won a TAMI Award for “Best Video- PSA Educational with a Population Under 75,000.”  The statewide award was given by the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO). The video, entitled “WHOA, why is everyone perfectly driving the speed limit?!” poked fun at the Houston Astros scandal, which […]

City to Spray for Mosquitos after Four Traps Test Positive for WNV

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that four mosquito trap samples in Southlake have tested positive for West Nile Virus. The City of Southlake will conduct targeted ground spraying after Tarrant County Public Health Department confirmed four positive West Nile virus mosquito samples. Contractors will conduct three (3) consecutive […]

We’re Prepared: Emergency Management in Southlake

We can’t always predict when disaster will strike, but we’re prepared if it does. Planning From severe weather to man-made hazards, the City of Southlake has multiple plans in place that address procedures before, during and after disaster or large-scale emergency events. The Office of Emergency Management guides City departments through planning processes so that […]

City to Spray for Mosquitos After Two WNV Positives

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that two mosquito trap samples in Southlake have tested positive for West Nile Virus. The City of Southlake will conduct targeted ground spraying after Tarrant County Public Health Department confirmed two positive West Nile virus mosquito samples. Contractors will conduct two (2) consecutive […]

Meet the City of Southlake Emergency Management Team

When it comes to preparedness the City of Southlake takes emergency management seriously. The City employs an Office of Emergency Management that assists the city, local businesses and the community throughout all phases of a disaster cycle: prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. Emergency Manager Amanda Meneses provides strategic guidance and oversight to four program […]

City to Spray for Mosquitos After Three WNV Positives

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that three mosquito trap samples in Southlake have tested positive for West Nile Virus. The City of Southlake will conduct targeted ground spraying after Tarrant County Public Health Department confirmed three positive West Nile virus mosquito samples. Contractors will conduct three (3) consecutive […]

City to Spray After WNV Positive Sample at Ashleigh Lane

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that one mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for West Nile Virus. The positive West Nile Virus trap is located in the 700 block of Ashleigh Lane. The City will begin spraying within a half-mile radius from the trap location. Spraying will […]

City to Spray After WNV Positive Sample at Meadowlark Lane

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that one mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for West Nile Virus. The positive West Nile Virus trap is located in the 100 block of Meadowlark Lane. The City will begin spraying within the half-mile radius from the trap location. Spraying will […]

City of Southlake Continues to Offer AED and CPR Courses

Did you know the City of Southlake offers CPR and AED courses?  The Southlake Fire Department is a certified American Heart Association training site and teaches classes to the public. The department uses the American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR/AED certification course, which is a classroom, video-based, instructor-led course that teaches adult, child and infant CPR […]

Southlake Welcomes New Emergency Management Specialist, Isabella Uceda

Meet Bella Uceda, the Emergency Management Specialist for the City of Southlake.  Bella started with the Office of Emergency Management in January of this year as an intern while finishing her degree at the University of Texas at Arlington.  Upon completion of her degree, Bachelor of Science in Public Health, Bella was offered a full-time […]

City Employee Mask Requirement Lifted

With the recent updated mask guidance provided last week by the CDC, the City of Southlake will no longer require face coverings be worn by its employees. “The City of Southlake has followed federal, state and local health department guidelines throughout this pandemic and will continue to do so as we all move forward navigating […]

Severe Weather Awareness Week 2021

The City of Southlake Office of Emergency Management has designated April 5th through April 9th as Southlake’s Severe Weather Awareness Week, 2021. Plan while you can - Severe weather can impact the North Central Texas Region throughout the entire year, and yes, that includes snow and ice!  As we learned this past February, even critical […]

Southlake Residents Encouraged to Complete Individual Damage Collection Survey

Governor Greg Abbott has requested a “major disaster declaration” from President Biden to allow for federal government funds to assist in recovery efforts from the 2021 winter storm. As part of the recovery process, Governor Abbott has announced a statewide initiative to collect damage assessment data. This information is being collected to help officials across […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on One WNV Mosquito Trap

The City of Southlake received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that one mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for the West Nile Virus. The positive samples are located near the 870 Shady Lane. Fire Chief Mike Starr says, “We will continue to implement our aggressive mosquito testing plan to help control the mosquito population. Southlake residents are our […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on One WNV Mosquito Trap

The City of Southlake received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that one mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for the West Nile Virus. The positive samples are located near the 3200 Block of Woodland Drive.  Fire Chief Mike Starr says, “We will continue to implement our aggressive mosquito testing plan to help control the mosquito population. […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on One WNV Mosquito Trap

The City of Southlake received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that one mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for the West Nile Virus. The positive samples are located near the 700 block of Ashleigh Lane. Fire Chief Mike Starr says, “We will continue to implement our aggressive mosquito testing plan to help control the mosquito population. Southlake residents are […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on Two WNV Mosquito Traps

The City of Southlake received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that two mosquito traps in Southlake have tested positive for the West Nile Virus. The positive samples are located near the 3200 block of Woodland Drive and the 1700 block of Weeping Willow Way. Fire Chief Mike Starr says, “We will continue to implement […]

Facebook Favorite? Southlake DPS!

The Southlake Departments of Public Safety’s Facebook page was recently named “Facebook Favorite” in the 2020 Government Social Media Golden Post Awards.  They also took home a finalist award for the “Best Facebook Presence.” The honor was awarded in August during a virtual ceremony. “What made this award even more special is that Facebook team […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on One WNV Mosquito Trap

The City of Southlake received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that one mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for the West Nile Virus. Southlake residents should take precautions against a disease spread by mosquitoes, West Nile Virus. The positive sample is located near the 700 block of Ashleigh Lane. Fire Chief Mike Starr says, “We will continue to […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on One WNV Mosquito Trap

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that one mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for the West Nile Virus. Southlake residents should take precautions against a disease spread by mosquitoes, West Nile Virus. The positive sample is located near the 3200 block of Woodland Drive. Fire Chief Mike Starr says, “We will […]

Have You Renewed or Applied for Your Alarm Permit?

Residents or businesses may have received a letter in the mail regarding their alarm permit renewal or a letter requesting that they apply for an alarm permit for their unregistered alarm system.        The City updated its alarm ordinance and collaborated with PM AM Corporation to implement and administer the False Alarm Reduction Program as of July 1, 2020, to reduce false […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on Three WNV Mosquito Traps

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that three mosquito traps in Southlake have tested positive for the West Nile Virus. The positive samples are located near the 3200 block of Woodland Drive, 700 block of Ashleigh Lane and the 100 block of Meadowlark Lane. Fire Chief Mike Starr says, […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on Two WNV Mosquito Traps

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that 2 mosquito traps in Southlake have tested positive for the West Nile virus. The positive samples are located near the 3200 block of Woodland Drive and the 800 block of Shady Lane. Fire Chief Mike Starr says, “We will continue to implement […]

Southlake DPS Hosts Coloring Contest at Summer Camp Mania

This year, Southlake DPS redirected their Summer Camp Mania fire safety in the kitchen lessons into a coloring contest. Contests were presented to camp groups over two different weeks. The theme, “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen,” is inspired by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 2020 campaign. The theme was required to appear […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on Five WNV Mosquito Traps

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that five mosquito traps in Southlake have tested positive for the West Nile virus. The positive samples are located near the 3200 block of Woodland Drive, the 700 block of Ashleigh Lane, the 100 block of Meadowlark Lane, the 800 block of Shady […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on Three WNV Mosquito Traps

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that two mosquito traps in Southlake have tested positive for the West Nile virus. The positive samples are located near the 100 Block of River Oaks Drive and the 800 Block of Shady Lane, with a delayed result from Tarrant County at the […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on Three WNV Mosquito Traps

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that three mosquito traps in Southlake have tested positive for the West Nile virus. The positive samples are located near the 3200 Block of Woodland Drive, the 2200 Block of Shady Oaks Drive, and the 100 Block of Meadowlark lane. Fire Chief Mike […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on Second WNV Mosquito Trap

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that a second mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for the West Nile virus. The positive sample is located near the 870 block of Shady Lane. Fire Chief Mike Starr says, “We have an aggressive mosquito testing plan in place to help […]

City of Southlake Receives Positive Notice on WNV Mosquito Trap

The City of Southlake has received notice from Tarrant County Public Health that one mosquito trap in Southlake has tested positive for the West Nile virus. The positive sample is located near the 700 block of Ashleigh Lane. Fire Chief Mike Starr says, “We have an aggressive mosquito testing plan in place to help control […]

Southlake Fire Receives 2020 CPSE/CFAI Accreditation

As part of the City’s overall commitment to set world-class standards and exceed expectations, the Southlake Fire Department is proud to announce they have been re-accredited through the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CPSE) by unanimous vote. The Southlake Fire Department is one of only 10 agencies in the world to complete their fifth cycle […]

Southlake Posts 10 Consecutive Weeks of Negative WNV Mosquito Results

The City of Southlake has posted 10 consecutive weeks of negative WNV mosquito results. The Office of Emergency Management began trapping mosquitoes in five locations around the city in April.  The team sets the baited traps on Tuesdays and collects the captured mosquitoes the next day. With 16 weeks of testing remaining, Emergency Management will […]

City Approves Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County for CARES Act Funding

The Southlake City Council approved an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Tarrant County during the June 2 session, to receive funding as part of the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The CARES Act is designed to provide immediate economic assistance for industries and municipalities who have been impacted by COVID-19. Tarrant County […]

Peaceful Protest to Take Place Saturday In Town Square

The City of Southlake and the Southlake Police Department are aware of and are in regular contact with the organizers of a student-led protest scheduled to take place in Town Square this Saturday at 2:00 p.m. in response to the death of George Floyd. The students have coordinated with the Police Department personnel so they […]

Southlake Resident Tests Positive for COVID-19

The City has been made aware by Tarrant County Public Health that a fourth Southlake resident has tested positive for COVID-19. In the interest of the resident’s privacy, this is the only publicly releasable information. If you have questions, contact the Tarrant County COVID-19 hotline at (817) 248-6299. For the Tarrant County case status by […]

City Council To Hold Special Virtual Meeting

The Southlake City Council will hold a special virtual meeting on March 23, 2020, starting at 5:30 pm. Meeting Agenda The short meeting agenda will consist of the following items: Executive Session Discuss and consider adopting Resolution No. 20-015, extending the Mayor’s First Amended Declaration of Disaster. Consider adopting Resolution 20-016 ordering postponement of May […]

City of Southlake Response to COVID-19 Virus - UPDATED March 19, 2020

Following Mayor Laura Hill’s issuance of a local Declaration of Disaster on March 17, 2020, the City of Southlake began operating at what’s known as a level two emergency activation. The activation means the City’s Executive Leadership Team and selected support staff are actively managing the local situation on a daily basis to ensure protection […]

Community Members Test Positive for COVID-19 Coronavirus

The City has been made aware by Tarrant County Public Health that two Southlake residents have tested positive for COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Both residents are in self-isolation and recovering at home. In the interest of the residents’ privacy, this is the only information being released at this time. City leadership is working with state and local […]

DPS Volunteers Help Make Southlake Possible

In 2018, over 6 million volunteers in the state of Texas contributed over 563 million hours of service, according to the Corporation for National and Community Service. Because of volunteers, organizations are able to see success in their initiatives by connecting generous participants with programs in need of resources and community involvement. The City of […]

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