January 14, 2020

New this Spring: After-School Club at Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve

UPDATE: March 26 Event Cancelled. Join us this spring for our first ever after-school club at Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve, BJNCP Explorers! BJNCP Explorers is perfect for young naturalists and outdoor enthusiasts (ages 5-11). We meet once a month from 4:00-6:00pm to explore the Preserve trails, study local wildlife, and learn how we […]

UPDATE: March 26 Event Cancelled.

Join us this spring for our first ever after-school club at Bob Jones Nature Center and Preserve, BJNCP Explorers! BJNCP Explorers is perfect for young naturalists and outdoor enthusiasts (ages 5-11). We meet once a month from 4:00-6:00pm to explore the Preserve trails, study local wildlife, and learn how we can become stewards of the land.

Each month we will focus on a different topic as we explore. We will start the year by focusing on the animals who live at the Preserve in the winter, how they survive in the cold, and how we can help them thrive. In February, we will become Ornithologists (biologists who study birds) and investigate the birds migrating through Southlake.

As the Preserve awakens from the winter we will spend March discovering new life at BJNCP as migrating animals return, hibernators come out, and new plants and animals arrive. Finally, in April, we will celebrate Earth Day and discuss how we can make every day Earth Day!

Registration is separate for each monthly class, so you don't have to commit to the entire session (although we hope you will!). Join us for an adventurous semester of hikes, investigations, experiments, friendships, and more!

For more information visit experiencesouthlaketexas.com/bjncp.

Dates: January 30, February 27, March 26, April 30
Time: 4:00-6:00pm
Location: Bob Jones Nature Center & Preserve, 355 E Bob Jones Rd.
Resident Fee: $13
Non-Resident Fee: $16

Ready to sign up? Click here.

Image shows a picture of a dessert and a shopping bag with the words Southlake Open Rewards
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