Do you want to be part of the City of Southlake team? City Council is seeking residents who want to be engaged in their community and help support them in their mission. On October 20, 2020, the Mayor and City Council will make appointments to the Community Engagement Committee, Community Enhancement and Development Corporation, Crime Control and Prevention District, Library Board, Metroport Teen Court, Senior Advisory Commission, and Southlake Arts Council. Citizens interested in helping their local government in the areas of community engagement and outreach, community enhancement and development, crime control and prevention, library planning and programming, advancing the Teen Court Program, issues and programs for Southlake’s senior citizen population, and those interested in all matters related to public art are encouraged to complete an application for a board or commission. Applications may be obtained from the City’s website. Each appointment is for a one- or two-year term, unless appointed to fulfill an existing vacancy for an unexpired term. It takes a team to run a City, and City Council wants you to be a part of their team. If you have the desire and the commitment to devote to our community, please complete an application and e-mail it or fax it to the City Secretary’s Office at (817) 748-8270. You can also mail or hand-deliver your application to the City Secretary’s Office, 1400 Main Street, Suite 270, Southlake, Texas 76092. Applications must be received no later than September 11th.