Carroll ISD is canceling the May 10, 2021 regular School Board meeting and moving it to Wednesday, May 12, 2021. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the CISD Administration Center, 2400 N. Carroll Avenue. The district recently received guidance from Tarrant County election officials that the canvassing of the May 1 Trustee election results should occur no sooner than May 12. Until that time all election results are considered unofficial. At the May 12 meeting, Trustees will canvass the election votes, give the oath of office to newly-elected Trustees and reorganize the Board. A special reception is also being planned to welcome the newly-elected Place 4 and Place 5 Trustees. The May 12 meeting agenda will include public comments, as well as all informational and action items originally planned for May 10. The agenda will be posted 72 hours in advance on the CISD website.