December 15, 2021

Champions Club December Fitness Challenge

The year came and went, and now it’s time to start looking towards the new year! We know our Champions Club members are motivated to smash new goals and continue making progress on their health journey. We’re here to help our members in whatever way we can. That’s why this month’s Fitness Challenge is all […]

The year came and went, and now it’s time to start looking towards the new year!

We know our Champions Club members are motivated to smash new goals and continue making progress on their health journey. We’re here to help our members in whatever way we can. That’s why this month’s Fitness Challenge is all about Looking Into the New Year.

Our fitness staff wants to challenge you to start thinking about your 2022 goals early to get a head start on the new year. Stop by the fitness desk any time this month to share your goals with us, and we’ll showcase them on our 2022 Goals Wall! When you trust us with your mission, we’ll help hold you and our other members accountable. But that’s not all, we’ll also enter you into a raffle for a chance to win a fun Fitness Gift Basket!

Need help coming up with an attainable goal? It’s all about thinking SMART!

What are SMART goals?

  • Specific- Make your goal as specific as possible to give you a definite outcome to work towards. Include what needs to be accomplished and think of the steps necessary to make it come true!
    Example: Workout at Champions Club more this year.
  • Measurable- don’t forget to quantify your goal by adding a target number that helps you measure your progress.
    Example: Workout at Champions Club at least four times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • Achievable- It’s all about the Art of the Possible. Set yourself up for success by making realistic to you and your skillset. If you know your schedule will be busy, make your workout goals attainable so you can easily schedule them in.
    Example: Workout at Champions Club a minimum of 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • Relevant- don’t forget about your why! Make a goal that’s relevant to your life and what you want to achieve, not what you think your goals should be.
    Example: Workout at Champions Club a minimum of 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes to prioritize time spent for me.
  • Time-Bound- Giving yourself a time limit will make it easier to measure whether you achieved your goal or not. It also creates flexibility to pivot if need be.
    Example: Workout at Champions Club a minimum of 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes to prioritize time spent for me for at least 3 months and see how I feel.

Now that you know how to set up SMART goals, don’t forget to visit us at the Fitness Desk. We can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish in 2022!

Gym bag and tumblers branded with The Marq logo, displayed in front of a gym background.
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