January 14, 2020

City Council Filing for the Upcoming May Election Starts January 15

2020 is indeed an election year. The upcoming Council Election for Place 1 and Place 6 will take place on Saturday, May 2. Filing begins on Wednesday, January 15. The City Secretary’s Office will accept applications from qualified persons interested in running for City Council during the filing period Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. […]

2020 is indeed an election year. The upcoming Council Election for Place 1 and Place 6 will take place on Saturday, May 2. Filing begins on Wednesday, January 15.

The City Secretary’s Office will accept applications from qualified persons interested in running for City Council during the filing period Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Filing Period Dates are as follows:

  • First day to file for place on ballot – January 15, 2020
  • Last day to file for place on ballot – February 14, 2020
  • Last day to file a declaration of write-in candidacy– February 18, 2020 at 5 p.m.

Candidates must meet the following qualifications.

  1. Be at least 21 years of age
  2. Be a citizen of the United States
  3. Be a qualified voter of the City
  4. Reside and have resided for at least twelve (12) months preceding the election within the corporate limits of the City
  5. No candidate may file for more than one office or position number per election
  6. No employee of the City shall continue in such a position after becoming a candidate for an elective office.

If you have any questions, please contact the City Secretary’s Office at 817-748-8016 or visit Town Hall at 1400 Main Street Suite 270, Southlake, TX 76092.

Image shows a picture of a dessert and a shopping bag with the words Southlake Open Rewards
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