April 1, 2020

City Facilities Closed Through April 30

The City of Southlake continues to operate under a Level Two emergency activation in reaction to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This activation means that the City’s Executive Leadership Team and selected support staff are actively managing the situation on a daily basis to ensure the protection of the public’s health and safety while […]

The City of Southlake continues to operate under a Level Two emergency activation in reaction to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This activation means that the City’s Executive Leadership Team and selected support staff are actively managing the situation on a daily basis to ensure the protection of the public’s health and safety while also endeavoring to continue to provide essential services, supported by useful relevant information about the evolving circumstances.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order on Tuesday, March 31, requiring Texans to limit certain interactions and activities except for essential activities and services through April 30. The order also requires schools to remain closed until May 4. The City of Southlake will adhere to the Governor’s order by continuing facility closures and cancelling planned events through April 30.

City Offices Closed to the Public

City offices and facilities remain closed to the public. City staff is working with vendors and customers using online tools such as phone meetings and conference calls, online payment options, and other online services. First responders are using protective gear as prescribed in emergency medical calls and during police interactions that require physical contact. Customer and business trash and recycling collection are running regular schedules; however, bulk and brush collections are suspended temporarily. If you need assistance with City services, please call us at 817-748-8400.

Election Postponed

Municipal elections have been postponed. THERE WILL BE NO EARLY VOTING IN APRIL. The annual Candidate’s Forum is cancelled. Elections will be held November 3, 2020, unless Governor Abbott authorizes municipalities to hold them earlier.

Closures and Cancellations through April 30:

· City offices closed to the public (essential personnel only)

· Southlake Public Library closed

· Champions Club closed (fees waived for duration of closure)

· Legends Hall at The Marq closed (call 817-748-8900 to discuss specific event details)

· Senior Activity Center closed

· City Park amenities closed (restrooms, drinking fountains)

· City Park Playgrounds closed

· City Park batting cages, in-line hockey court closed

· City tennis/pickle ball courts closed

· Athletic fields and courts closed for team or group play

· All City of Southlake classes and programs, as well as presentations are cancelled

· All Bob Jones Nature Center classes, camps and programs cancelled

· Southlake DPS public education classes cancelled

· Crud Cruiser event cancelled

· All Volunteer Southlake assignments, Appreciation Luncheon, Award Reception

· Teen Court Volunteer Appreciation event cancelled

Council, Board, and Commission Meeting Information

· April 7 City Council meeting cancelled

· April 9 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting cancelled

· April 16 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting cancelled

· April 21 City Council meeting is NOT cancelled, but may be a virtual meeting

· April 23 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting is NOT cancelled, but may be virtual

· April 30 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting is NOT cancelled, but may be virtual

· All other board and committee meetings cancelled through April 30.


Instructions for participating in public virtual meetings will be published on City social media channels prior to meetings and will also be available on www.cityofsouthlake.com/AgendaCenter.

To help you stay informed, the City regularly updates www.ProtectSouthlake.com for easy, quick access to the City information you need. If you have COVID-19 questions, please call the Tarrant County Coronavirus Hotline at 817-248-6299.

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