The City of Southlake develops many of its Comprehensive Plan elements in-house. The Comprehensive Plan is the City of Southlake’s playbook that defines the City’s goals related to capital projects and facilities, City programs and resource allocation. The plan is aligned with the City’s strategic vision for the future of Southlake. The projects and programs that are now visible in the community were planned years in advance. The Comprehensive Plan is a living document that is constantly adapted and updated every few years. To create the plan, City staff works with various City boards and commissions, Southlake residents and stakeholders, and the City Council. Some of the Comprehensive Plan recommendations that have been completed this past year include the Zena Rucker Road expansion and roundabout art, N. White Chapel Boulevard roundabout, Continental Boulevard sidewalk, I Believe in Southlake mural, National Preparedness Month education, Solar Panel ordinance, Town Square sign ordinance, family quarters ordinance and a tourism market study. The Parks Master Plan is currently in development as part of the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. Staff is working with the City’s Parks and Recreation Board and Southlake residents on developing recommendations to incorporate into the plan. If you’re interested in contributing ideas, attend the Parks and Recreation Board meeting. The City of Southlake estimates the plan to be finalized in summer 2021. For more information about the Comprehensive Plan, individual plan elements, or to comment on the plan, visit our Comprehensive Plan webpage.