April 12, 2021

FY 2020 Annual Development Report Available Online

Every year the City of Southlake Planning and Development Services Department creates and publishes an annual report to present along with the City’s budget. The report was recently published online and provides a small glimpse into the daily activities of the department during fiscal year 2020 to help tell Southlake’s development story. “Our department strives to provide […]

Every year the City of Southlake Planning and Development Services Department creates and publishes an annual report to present along with the City’s budget. The report was recently published online and provides a small glimpse into the daily activities of the department during fiscal year 2020 to help tell Southlake’s development story.

“Our department strives to provide quality standards in the services we offer and exceptional customer service to stimulate growth and development in Southlake,” City of Southlake Senior Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker said. “That is why the annual development report is so important. It fosters transparency efforts that keep us accountable in promoting quality development and economic wellness in our City.”

View the FY 2020 Annual Development Report here.

The Annual Development Report is comprised of seven sections: Southlake Snapshot, Economic Overview, Understanding Development, New Residential Development, New Commercial Development, Valuation and Revenue.

The report includes:

Southlake At-A-Glance – In this section, residents and visitors can get a glimpse of Southlake’s public profile by reviewing the population size, percentage of land developed, number of square miles and financial valuation.

Economic Overview – This section displays data pertaining to the amount of consumer sales generated, the number of businesses in Southlake, office and retail space overview, the real estate market and other information that helps determine the state of the economy.

Understanding Development  This section shows a step-by-step overview of the development process and how to conduct development business in Southlake. It displays an overview of our 2035 Comprehensive Plan, which includes master plan elements that provide a vision for Southlake’s future. This section also provides information about the department’s organizational structure and the many services offered. New to this section is an overview of the numerous boards, commissions, and committees the Planning and Development Services Department works with. Lastly, this section provides updates on current residential and commercial construction projects within the city.

New Residential Development – This section is new to the report this year. Within this section, you’ll find graphs and charts depicting information on new residential permit values, square footage permitted, and permit fees collected. The data is collected throughout the fiscal year and is displayed against previous fiscal year data to show ongoing trends for development in the city.

New Commercial Development This section is new to the report this year. Within this section you’ll find graphs and charts depicting information on new commercial permit values, square footage permitted, and permit fees collected. The data is collected throughout the fiscal year and is displayed against previous fiscal year data to show ongoing trends for development in the city.

Valuation – This section displays graphs and charts with valuation information for the City in fiscal year 2020. The data presented includes the amount of residential and commercial valuation added, the total residential and non-residential valuation and a comparison of the total assessed value and taxable value.

Revenue –This section displays graphs and charts of revenue collected by the City in fiscal year 2020. The data presented includes the amount of property tax, sales tax and franchise tax collected for the general fund, hotel occupancy tax collected, sign permit fees collected and total fees from building permits collected.

To learn more about the FY 2020 Annual Development Report or view the document, please visit our annual development report web page or give us a call at 817-748-8621.

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