October 9, 2020

How Do I Pay My Water Bill Online?

Paying your water bill from the comfort of your home is easy. Step 1 - Find your Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card that you would like to make a payment with. Step 2 - Open a web browser and go to SouthlakeWaterUtilities.com. Step 3 - Select “Pay my bill” button and a new […]

Paying your water bill from the comfort of your home is easy.

Step 1 - Find your Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card that you would like to make a payment with.

Step 2 - Open a web browser and go to SouthlakeWaterUtilities.com.

Step 3 - Select “Pay my bill” button and a new window will open.

Southlake Water Utilities Website

Step 4 - Enter the account number and customer ID found on your paper bill. You can check the box “Remember These Values” to save your information for future use.

Bill Pay Service Information Screen

Step 5 - Continue through the prompts to make a one-time payment. You also have the option to enroll in recurring credit card payments.(Note: In order to sign up for automatic payments, you will need to have a bill due and make a one-time payment through the system with the credit card you would like to use. The system will give you an option to enroll in recurring credit card payments, located at the top of your payment screen.)

Automatic Credit Card Payments Screen


Have questions about paying your water bill online? Call Southlake Water Utilities Customer Service at 817-748-8051 or email us at swucustomerservice@ci.southlake.tx.us.


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