March 25, 2021

Progress Report: 2021 Southlake Mobility

When it comes to completing projects, the Southlake Mobility Team delivers. Over the past few months, the Southlake Mobility Team has been at work ensuring that mobility tasks were carried out timely and efficiently to improve quality and overall safety for the community. Here’s a look at the mobility projects completed so far in 2021: […]

When it comes to completing projects, the Southlake Mobility Team delivers. Over the past few months, the Southlake Mobility Team has been at work ensuring that mobility tasks were carried out timely and efficiently to improve quality and overall safety for the community.

Here’s a look at the mobility projects completed so far in 2021:

Zena Rucker Road Extension and Roundabout: Completed, February 1

The purpose of this project was to extend Zena Rucker Road between Byron Nelson Parkway and Carroll Avenue to allow motorists to travel from Park Village to the Shops of Southlake.

New sidewalks, landscaping and the public artwork display, the “Mockingbird Tree” by Michael Warrick was also installed at the newly designed roundabout at Zena Rucker Road and Tower Boulevard.

Carroll Avenue Project: Completed, February 25  

The purpose of this project was to improve mobility by replacing the asphalt lanes with concrete. Concrete is more durable and sustainable than asphalt and is better for long-term use.

FM 1938: Completed, March 11

FM 1938 was a two-phase project through a partnership between TxDOT, Tarrant County, the North Central Texas Council of Government and the Cities of Keller, Westlake and Southlake.

The scope of work included reconstruction and design of a six-lane divided roadway with raised curb medians from SH 114 to south of Dove Road leading into a four-lane roadway with raised curb medians ending at Randol Mill Road. An underground drainage and a screening wall along the Myers Meadow subdivision was also installed.

With three major projects completed before summer, Southlake Mobility is well on its way to accommodate motorists and pedestrians with a safe and convenient commute.

For more updates on road construction projects, please follow the Southlake Mobility Facebook page or sign up for the Mobility e-newsletter.

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