November 8, 2021

Rainwater Harvesting on Display at the Southlake Public Library

Visit the Southlake Public Library to learn more about rainwater harvesting through a new display presented in part by the Tarrant Regional Water District and the Tarrant County Master Gardener Association. Although the weather is turning cooler and summer seems to finally be behind us, water conservation is always in season! Why not consider adding […]

Visit the Southlake Public Library to learn more about rainwater harvesting through a new display presented in part by the Tarrant Regional Water District and the Tarrant County Master Gardener Association.

Although the weather is turning cooler and summer seems to finally be behind us, water conservation is always in season! Why not consider adding a rain barrel to your home? Easy to assemble and even easier to use, rain barrels can help you save money and water year-round.

To help you get started on making a rain barrel a part of your garden, the Southlake Public Library and Southlake Environmental Services division are offering free resources on rainwater harvesting provided by the Tarrant Regional Water District.

Learn how to create and maintain your own barrel, as well as tips on installation and design. Rain barrels are best suited for providing water for irrigation that is otherwise lost as run-off.

Additionally, harvesting rainwater can help reduce stormwater pollution and erosion.

Be sure to also check out our new hand-painted rain barrel provided by the Tarrant County Master Gardener Association and get inspiration on how you can customize your very own! The rain barrel display is currently available at the Southlake Public Library.

Want to learn more about rainwater harvesting?  Visit

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