Senior Activity Center Members will tell you that one of the highlights of being a part of the Senior Center is their weekly Meals on Wheels Luncheon. Provided by Metroport Meals on Wheels in partnership with the Senior Activity Center, seniors can look forward to a delicious hot meal every Monday. Since the start of the pandemic, the weekly Luncheons adopted a curbside pickup model that was largely successful. It provided Southlake seniors with a means of maintaining access to warm meals while safely socializing. Last Monday, July 12, brought in a new era of the weekly luncheons. After 12 months of hosting drive-through lunches, The Senior Activity Center conducted the first indoor-Hybrid Luncheon. This new phase of the Senior Activity Center reopening plan will offer hybrid luncheons to senior members during July. What does this hybrid model look like? In July, Senior Center members can choose whether they want to pick up and take home the pre-packaged meal or stay and enjoy lunch with their peers. At the Senior Activity Center, we are always looking to bring world-class services to our members while letting them choose their comfort level of activity. Last Monday’s inaugural hybrid luncheon was as popular as ever! One hundred participants enjoyed FeedStore BBQ and pre-packaged cookies donated by Southlake Senior Funding Inc. (SSFI). The Senior Center is lucky to work with multiple partners, including volunteers from the National Charity League. Last week these incredible volunteers donated their time to help safely serve drinks and sanitize tables and chairs. Senior Activity Center members can look forward to going back to the original congregated weekly lunch program starting in August. This dine-in-only program brings our seniors together to socialize while providing a balanced menu in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve Southlake’s senior community as we continue to welcome our members. Senior Center members can register for July's hybrid luncheon here.