With a charge to work towards a new public library, the Southlake Library Task Force is getting ready to host two Town Hall meetings. "We are so excited about the possibilities for the Southlake Library," said Councilmember Kathy Talley. "We've got some ideas about its location, programming, amenities, etc., but we need resident feedback, and that's where the town hall meetings will come in." Task Force Background In December 2021, Mayor Huffman appointed Councilmembers Kathy Talley and Ronell Smith to lead a Library Task Force to research options and make recommendations for a new Southlake Public Library. Councilmember Chad Patton and Incoming Councilmember Shawn McCaskill, and 15 Southlake community members. The team comprises members from the Southlake Library Board and Southlake Arts Council members, the Southlake Women's Club, Southlake Chamber of Commerce, PTO Organization presidents, youth representatives, ambassadors for Southlake's special needs, and nonprofit business leaders. The Task Force has broken up into subcommittees that are currently hard at work researching, studying, and addressing critical issues and will ultimately provide recommendations for site location, library facility needs, accompanying amenities, and financial considerations. Potential sites and amenities will be evaluated on how well each option supports the library's mission, meets community needs, enhances the community, and supports financial and success goals. Save the Date The Task Force looks forward to sharing what they learned and their recommendations with Southlake residents at the Library Task Force Town Hall Meetings on Wednesday, May 11th, and Monday, May 16th. Join the Task Force for an Open House from 4:30 - 6:00 pm, with the Town Hall meeting and a Task Force presentation immediately following in the Council chamber. The public is invited to share their comments and thoughts during both meetings.
Please visit CityofSouthlake.com/LibraryTaskForce for more information.