August 13, 2020

Southlake Mobility Team Prepares for Back to School with Zone Flasher Testing

Although schools may not open for in-person classes until the end of the month, the Southlake Mobility Team is working ahead to ensure that school zones are safe and ready for our young pedestrians. Starting next week, crews will be testing school zone flashers in all school zones for Carroll ISD schools, Florence Elementary in […]

Although schools may not open for in-person classes until the end of the month, the Southlake Mobility Team is working ahead to ensure that school zones are safe and ready for our young pedestrians.

Starting next week, crews will be testing school zone flashers in all school zones for Carroll ISD schools, Florence Elementary in Keller ISD and the Clariden School.

School zone speed limits can reduce the risk and severity of crashes for students in vehicles and walking to school. Testing ensures that all the devices are visible and are operating in conjunction with school arrival and dismissal times.

Since school will not be in session, citations will not be issued for motorists not heeding the school zone speed limit during the testing period. Tests will take place August 17 - 21.

Please note that for Carroll High School, the school zone speed limit may be displayed on signs only and without flashing beacons during the construction of the additional lanes on N. White Chapel Boulevard.

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