May 17, 2021

Southlake Senior Activity Center Honored for Innovative Older Adult Program During the Pandemic

The Southlake Senior Activity Center won first place in the Community Development category for the 2020 National Institute of Senior Centers Programs of Excellence with the September Senior Activity Center Parade from the National Institute of Senior Centers. Research shows that today’s generations are divided emotionally, physically, and socially with limited learning opportunities and meaningful […]

The Southlake Senior Activity Center won first place in the Community Development category for the 2020 National Institute of Senior Centers Programs of Excellence with the September Senior Activity Center Parade from the National Institute of Senior Centers.

Research shows that today’s generations are divided emotionally, physically, and socially with limited learning opportunities and meaningful interactions. The Southlake Senior Activity Center constantly works to bridge the gap between seniors, the younger generations, and our community by providing innovative special events and programs. Over the past year, the Senior Activity Center continued to provide these essential services amid a physical closure due to the pandemic.

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC) is honoring the outstanding work of senior centers during the pandemic with the 2021 Programs of Excellence Awards. The Southlake Senior Activity Center is one of the 15 programs receiving recognition for innovative, creative, and replicable programs for adults.

The Senior Activity Center won first place in the Community Development category for the September Senior Activity Center Parade. The incredible parade was a city-wide effort that brought city leaders, community members, volunteers of all ages, and various departments together to celebrate seniors during National Senior Center Month. Seniors drove through the Senior Center parking lot while greeted by city staff and volunteers holding hand-made signs, wearing costumes, silly hats, and happy faces. Southlake seniors received close to 150 prepacked hot meals that day.

A national committee of senior center professionals chooses the Programs of Excellence recipients each year. This year, awards were given in eight categories:

  • Community Development, Leadership, and Intergenerational
  • Cultural
  • Fundraising
  • Health and Wellness
  • Nutrition
  • Technology
  • Virtual Innovations
  • Social Isolation

“To be recognized nationally by the prestigious NCOA / NISC in the field of aging adults and senior centers is tremendously rewarding. The challenges brought by the pandemic in the last year made us more aware of the value and importance we have in the lives of our senior community. Programming, outreach, and providing opportunities for connection are ways the Senior Center serves the Southlake community. To have the privilege of serving our senior community is an honor beyond what words could express,” Soheila Phelps, Senior Cervices Coordinator.

For more information about the Senior Activity Center and its programs, visit

Congratulations to the Senior Activity Center and its world-class staff and volunteers for their continued hard work in bringing seniors and the Southlake community together.

Image shows a picture of a dessert and a shopping bag with the words Southlake Open Rewards
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