June 1, 2020

Southlake Senior Activity Center Provides Curbside Meal Pickup for Seniors Amidst Closure

On Monday, June 1, the Southlake Senior Activity Center kicked off the first Metroport Meals on Wheels curbside pick-up. Meals on Wheels volunteers and Senior Center staff welcomed nearly 70 seniors with signs, smiles, and air hugs as they drove through the Legends Hall parking lot to pick up their first hot meal in more […]

On Monday, June 1, the Southlake Senior Activity Center kicked off the first Metroport Meals on Wheels curbside pick-up. Meals on Wheels volunteers and Senior Center staff welcomed nearly 70 seniors with signs, smiles, and air hugs as they drove through the Legends Hall parking lot to pick up their first hot meal in more than 12 weeks.

Recognizing the continual need to provide warm ready-to-go meals for the seniors in our community, the City adapted the original Monday social luncheon program to become a curbside pick-up.  In this challenging time, the adapted program aims to not only provide meals but also provide the much-needed sense of community Senior Center members are used to.

“Not only will this program brighten the day of our seniors, but it will also bring back a sense of normalcy to their lives,” said Senior Services Coordinator Soheila Phelps.  “With many local senior centers closed through the Summer due to COVID-19, seniors are feeling more isolated than usual.  We hope the pre-packaged grab and go lunches would address the challenges of isolation and the importance of nutritious hot meal for the older adults.”

The Southlake Senior Activity Center has provided weekly lunches in partnership with Metroport Meals on Wheels since 1999. In 2019 alone, the City provided more than 5,700 meals to adults aged 55 and better.  Each week seniors enjoy local favorite restaurants like FeedStore BBQ, Asian Top, Chuys, Joe’s Pizza and Pasta, and more.  Each of these restaurants works graciously to ensure a balanced meal is provided at a very discounted rate and has the meal ready to go each Monday to be promptly delivered to the Southlake Seniors.

“We are grateful for all the local restaurants willing to work with partner Metroport Meals on Wheels to provide cost affordable meals to help subsidize the non-profits budgetary needs,” said Phelps.

The City of Southlake has recognized that weekly congregate lunch program can help fight social isolation, ensure a nutritional meal, and improve overall health and well-being of older adults.  This program gives seniors the chance to socialize over food in a group setting allowing them to see friends more often and hopefully make new ones in the process.  While the curbside program may look a little different this Summer, we are hopeful that one day a week can provide an opportunity for our seniors to enjoy the little things once more.

The Senior Activity Center has continued to make more than 50 wellness check phone calls each week to ensure our Senior members have someone to talk with and offer any assistance or resource to our most vulnerable population at this time.  Through those conversations, masks have been hand-delivered to seniors in need through local non-profit groups, grocery delivery resources have been provided, and daily conversations and jokes have been shared.

To learn more about the Southlake Activity Center, visit their website at www.SouthlakeSeniorCenter.com.

Gym bag and tumblers branded with The Marq logo, displayed in front of a gym background.
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