The Southlake Senior Activity Center may be quieter than usual lately due to COVID-19 restrictions, but that hasn’t stopped senior citizens from getting involved with the community. The Senior Center recently collaborated with the Southlake Public Safety team to produce an entertaining and educational “Slam the Scam” video. Senior Center and DPS staff members worked together to bring attention to the seriousness of phone scams in observation of National Safer Internet Day. The senior population is increasingly targeted by phone scammers during tax time, and the tactics are getting harder to catch. You can watch the video on the SLK DPS Facebook page and in the Senior Center’s weekly E-blast to learn more about spotting phone scammers. Here are some quick tips to help you and your loved ones fight phone fraud: Be on the lookout for more cyber security tips in the following weeks as the Senior Center is also collaborating with the City’s IT department to provide “what you need to know” cyber security handouts. Learn more about the Southlake Senior Activity Center here.