The City of Southlake, in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control, wants to make sure you know how to properly flush out old water that has been sitting in the plumbing of your business for the last few weeks. 

While businesses and other buildings have been closed, water that existed in those private plumbing systems may have deteriorated in quality. Typically, buildings can prevent stagnant water through regular, consistent water use, so this is not a concern most of the time. However, there are easy fixes that business owners can undertake to ensure clean, fresh water is flowing through those faucets. 

  1. Remove faucet aerators if possible, and replace them after flushing is completed. 
  2. Consider opening only one fixture (sink, shower head, hose bib) at a time. The more fixtures that are open, the slower water will flow into the building, which will result in some pressure loss. 
  3. Start at the lowest floor of your building and work your way towards the top. 
  4. Alternate turning on hot water and cold water. If there is a water heater onsite, this will ensure the water heater is flushed as well. You will need to flush cold water longer than hot water. 
  5. Connect a water hose to an outdoor hose bib, or spigot. Flush this water for at least one hour. This will rid your plumbing of the stagnant water that has been buried underground in plumbing first. 
  6. Flush all toilets in each restroom. 
  7. For restroom sinks, you can turn on the faucet and flush for at least 2 minutes. 
  8. For kitchen sinks, you should flush cold water for at least 8-10 minutes, and hot water for at least one minute. 
  9. For water fountains, you should flush at least 1 minute. 
  10. For more guidance on water systems in buildings and additional steps you may want to take, you can visit the CDC’s website at . 

Southlake Water Utilities maintains a year-round fire hydrant flushing program and monitors water quality in our water system daily. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at 817-748-8082. 

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