October 29, 2020

What is the Zoning District for this Property?

The protection of the community’s health, safety and welfare is a top priority for the City of Southlake Planning and Development Services, which is why enforcing zoning is so important. Assuring that zoning requirements are met not only protects property owners but contributes to Southlake being the ideal place to live, work and play. Zoning […]

The protection of the community’s health, safety and welfare is a top priority for the City of Southlake Planning and Development Services, which is why enforcing zoning is so important.

Assuring that zoning requirements are met not only protects property owners but contributes to Southlake being the ideal place to live, work and play.

Zoning ensures that land use patterns are compatible with one another, minimizes conflicts between the uses, protects property values and enhances the urban environment. Whether a structure/district is being added or removed, it must adhere to the zoning requirements.

Zoning districts define which uses are allowed on certain parcels of land, as well as other characteristics such as building height, density and setbacks.

When it comes to commercial, residential and recreational developments, zoning requirements differ depending on the community. In Southlake, PDS staff works with property owners, residents and other City departments, as well as elected and appointed officials to develop and implement plans to address current and future growth and changing City dynamics.

If you have questions or concerns about zoning, the City offers online resources for customers to determine the zoning district for a property using an Interactive Zoning Map, which displays parcel lines, aerials, zoning, land use designations, floodplains, floodways, SPIN boundaries and more. This map is located on the sidebar of Planning and Zoning webpage.

Once you click on the maps tab, scroll down to the Interactive Zoning Map thumbnail. You will be routed to the interactive zoning map where you will find color coordinated labels of the areas you are seeking such as commercial, residential and mixed zoning. The map is user friendly and highly detailed.

If you have further questions about zoning, please contact the Planning and Development Services.

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