December is almost over, which means there are only a few days left to participate in Keep Southlake Beautiful‘s Street Tree Program. Did you know that you can do your part to provide shade, screening, wildlife protection, and an increased sense of well-being through the Street Tree Program? This KSB initiative provides citizens with quality shade trees to be planted within the right-of-way areas of streets and corridors throughout the City. The Community Services Department strives to keep the entire City looking clean, green, and safe, and you can help us in that mission by purchasing a street tree! Choose from one of four beautiful tree options and, the Parks Division will help you determine the planting location to fit within our specified guidelines. These are the tree species available: The deadline to purchase a street tree is Saturday, December 31. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to Keep Southlake Beautiful! Learn more about this program here!
• Chinese Pistache
• Lacebark Elm
• Live Oak
• Shumard Oak